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Pioneer in the Community - September 2018


Summer was great for Pioneer events, and August was no exception!

Branch Bash at Twin Falls - Friday, August 3rd

The Twin Falls community didn't disappoint! We had a lot of fun with members and non-members alike!

Pioneer Twin Falls branch hosting a community party with hot dogs and fun

Branch Bash at Glenns Ferry - Friday, August 10th

We had a big crowd with a small-town feel. Thanks to everyone who came out for food and fun!

Pioneer Glenn's Ferry branch hosting a community party

19th Annual Credit Unions for Kids Charity Golf Tournament - Friday, August 10th

Pioneers enjoyed a round of golf supporting a great cause - our local Children's Miracle Network hospitals!

Four employees in red shirts at a golfing charity event

Buckaroo Breakfast - Wednesday, August 15th

Pioneers were up early to serve a delicious breakfast in Caldwell!

Pioneer employees serving breakfast for a youth rodeo

Branch Bash at Jerome - Friday, August 17th

We finished off our parties in Jerome and had so much fun!

Pioneer Jermoe branch hosting a community party, with a food truck and booth

Caldwell Night Rodeo - Friday, August 17th

It was another successful year for the Caldwell Night Rodeo! We love being part of Patriot Night!

Two Pioneer employees running a booth at the rodeo

Twin Falls Chamber Mini Masters - Friday, August 17th

Pioneers putted around the mini golf course to support the Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce!

Two Pioneer employees having fun mini golfing

Jerome Poker Walk and Joe Mama Car Show - Friday, August 17th

Pioneers were ridin' in style. We love spending time in the Jerome community!

Three Pioneer volunteers posing with a orange hotrod.

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