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Volunteers Wanted

Supervisory Committee | Volunteers Needed

Pioneer Federal Credit Union is a not-for-profit guided and governed by its board of directors and Supervisory Committee – a group of volunteers elected to serve members’ interests. They focus on developing financial systems, setting loan rates, and enforcing policies to enhance their member’s economic well-being.

Nominations Open for Supervisory Committee

Job Description & Expectations

The Supervisory Committee of Pioneer Federal Credit Union safeguards our members’ assets, ensures an independent review of the credit union’s finances is performed annually and verify members’ accounts.

How to Seek Nomination

A member who is interested in being nominated to serve on the Board or the Supervisory Committee must meet the qualifications stated below. In addition, a member must complete the nomination form and include a biography of no more than 100 words. This 100-word biography will be the biography used with voting materials if the nominee is included on the slate of candidates.

At the close of the nomination period, the Nominating Committee will schedule interviews with nominees and conduct appropriate background checks. Potential nominees will be notified if they are included on the slate of candidates for the election cycle before year end.

Please review the qualifications to serve on the Board or Supervisory Committee.

Send your qualifications to