August Community Pioneer Winner
Our August 2020 Community Pioneer winner is Ali R., with Jesse Tree.

The Great Outdoors - Sharing Wellness Wednesday Challenge with Members
Pioneer team members participate in weekly wellness challenges to help keep us healthy. For one week, we asked our team members to send in photos of them getting some exercise outside and we also encouraged our members to do the same on social media.
Virtual Branch Bash and "WOW" Walls
Due to COVID-19, we were unable to celebrate our Branch Bashes in like we have in the past, so we celebrated virtually this year! Branch teams set up “WOW” Walls where they displayed member comments. Twin Falls won our “WOW” Wall contest! We highlighted our branches and teams on social media with team photos, introductions, fun facts, and more.
National Dog Day - Pioneer Pups
In celebration of National Dog Day, team members sent in photos of their furry friends!