Read the 2019 Annual Report!
Virtual Annual Meeting Due to COVID-19
Update made on August 3, 2020
The Pioneer Federal Credit Union Annual Meeting will still be held on Wednesday, August 19th at 5 PM, but will now be held virutally due to the COVID-19 pandemic which Pioneer management is actively monitoring. To attend the Annual Meeting, please RSVP using the button below. The meeting invite will be emailed to you after doing so.
RSVP for the Annual Meeting!
Previous update made on June 1, 2020
The Pioneer Federal Credit Union Annual Meeting will be held Wednesday, August 19th at 5 PM. This postponement is due to the COVID-19 pandemic which Pioneer management is actively monitoring. For now, the meeting will be held in person as originally planned. At the meeting, we will report on the state of the Credit Union and plans for the future. We will also announce the results of the election for the Board of Directors.
All elections will be determined by plurality vote and will be by ballot boxes or mail ballot, except where there is only one nominee for each position to be filled. The special ballot boxes will be located in each of our branches beginning on August 9, 2020 at 9:00 AM, and will close on August 13, 2020 at 5:00 PM.
Absentee ballots may be obtained by submitting a written request to:
Nominating Committee
Pioneer Federal Credit Union
250 W 3rd South
Mountain Home, ID 83647
The absentee ballots will be made available and mailed on or near July 20, 2020. The ballots must be received back at the same address no later than August 17, 2020 at midnight.
This year, two Board of Directors positions are up for nomination. There will be no nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee will accept nominations by petition. Petitions for nominees must be received by 5:00 PM on July 10, 2020, and must contain the lesser of one percent (1%) of the membership or 500 member signatures. As of October 31, 2019, the membership count was 51,869. Therefore, members interested in being nominated by petition must obtain a minimum of 500 member signatures to be eligible. In addition, each nominee by petition must submit a statement of qualifications and biographical data, accompanied by a signed certificate from the nominee indicating that they agree with the nomination and will serve if elected.
Up for Re-Election
Dr. Nathan Price
Dr. Price is an optometrist at Elmore County Eyecare and has practiced optometry in Mountain Home since 1996. He is a member of the Mountain Home Lions Club, and has coached Elmore County youth baseball. He volunteers with the Boy Scouts and is actively involved with his church. Dr. Price has resided in Mountain Home for the past 23 years.
Rich Haug
Rich was stationed in Mountain Home by the US Air Force in 1985. He loved the area, so he stayed when he retired from the Air Force in 1993. After his Air Force retirement, he worked for Micron Technology until 2014. Rich has been a Pioneer member for over 30 years and has served on the Supervisory Committee at Pioneer since 2019.
Updates made on March 23, 2020
The Pioneer Federal Credit Union Annual Meeting was to be held virtually on Wednesday, March 25th. However, our Board of Directors has decided to postpone the Annual Meeting until further notice. We will send communications regarding the new date/time when it has been determined. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate through this unique experience. We appreciate your membership!
Originally Posted on December 31, 2019
This year's Annual Meeting will be held March 25, 2020 at 5:00 PM. At the meeting, we will report on the state of the Credit Union and plans for the future. We will also announce the results of the election for the Board of Directors.
All elections will be determined by plurality vote and will be by ballot boxes or mail ballot, except where there is only one nominee for each position to be filled. The special ballot boxes will be located in each of our branches beginning on March 15, 2020 at 9:00 AM, and will close on March 19, 2020 at 5:00 PM.
Absentee ballots may be obtained by submitting a written request to:
Nominating Committee
Pioneer Federal Credit Union
250 W 3rd South
Mountain Home, ID 83647
The absentee ballots will be made available and mailed on or near February 24, 2020. The ballots must be received back at the same address no later than March 23, 2020 at midnight.
This year, two Board of Directors positions are up for nomination. There will be no nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee will accept nominations by petition. Petitions for nominees must be received by 5:00 PM on February 14, 2020, and must contain the lesser of one percent (1%) of the membership or 500 member signatures. As of October 31, 2019, the membership count was 51,869. Therefore, members interested in being nominated by petition must obtain a minimum of 500 member signatures to be eligible. In addition, each nominee by petition must submit a statement of qualifications and biographical data, accompanied by a signed certificate from the nominee indicating that they agree with the nomination and will serve if elected.
Up for Re-Election
Dr. Nathan Price
Dr. Price is an optometrist at Elmore County Eyecare and has practiced optometry in Mountain Home since 1996. He is a member of the Mountain Home Lions Club, and has coached Elmore County youth baseball. He volunteers with the Boy Scouts and is actively involved with his church. Dr. Price has resided in Mountain Home for the past 23 years.
Tom Rodney
Mr. Rodney served as Chief of Logistics and is retired Civil Service from Mountain Home Air Force Base with 42 years of service. He is retired from the United States Naval Reserve as a Chief Petty Officer with 24 years of service. Mr. Rodney has served in Mountain Home School District #193, coached many sports in the Mountain Home school district, and volunteered as a coach for the Mountain Home Babe Ruth Little League. He has resided in Mountain Home for 30+ years.