Sometimes you just need extra cash. Skipping your loan payment during the holidays might help, but it's not always the most convenient time for you. That's why we've decided to let you choose the month to skip! Just log in to your myPioneer account from your desktop or mobile app. Eligible loans will be listed in your myPioneer home page. Simply select the loan, month, and how you would like to pay the $30 skip fee, and you're set!
Eligible loans must meet the following requirements:
- Must be open for at least 12 months
- Cannot have skipped a loan payment within the past 335 days
- Can skip a loan payment once a year for the life of the loan after the first 12 months
- Revolving credit (Visa® Credit Card, HELOC, Line of Credit) is not eligible for Skip-a-Pay
For more information on Skip-a-Pay, please contact us at (208) 587-3304 or visit your local branch.